Powerade Coconut

Powerade presents its new Coconut flavored water. With this digital campaign we created 4 different videos that covered sports with different levels of intensity.

During the editing I realized it was not only necessary to balance the training and drinks sections. There was also needed for a relation between each so that we did not only produce images of people working out and then presenting some liquid.

This is why I decided to build that relation by showing the drink with the same intensity as the training the sports person was carrying out.

In order to support the intensity, I played with the copies and transmitted such integration and the energy recovered by taking the beverage.

Dir: Rodrigo Bonilla

DP: Ivan Águila / Fernando Hernández

Prod: Jessie Howard

Art Direction: Sofia Compean

Editing & Rotoscoping: Joss Bruneliere


IKEA / Testimonials


Ciel Exprim